Course redesign
Wild, J. Omingo, M. INASP, January 2020, Graduate skills for employability in East Africa: Evolution of a skills matrix for course redesign. Read the paper .
Blogs and articles
Buchner, T., Dryden, J., INASP, October 2020, Pivoting to remote support for transforming higher education: what we have learnt. Read the blog .
Skovgaard, M., INASP website, September 2020, How to make university classes more gender responsive. Read the blog .
The TESCEA project team, SPHEIR website, July 2020, Moving face-to-face workshops for higher education staff online. Read the blog.
Buchner, T. Dryden, J., UKFIET, July 2020, Adapting for sustainability: taking training of trainers online to continue higher education support. Read the blog .
Wild, J., Omingo, M, University World News, May 2020, Redesigning university curricula to boost employability. Read the blog .
SPHEIR team, SPHEIR, May 2020, Fresh thinking in East Africa: Helping graduates develop skills for the workplace and society. Read the blog.
Skovgaard, M. Buchner, T., INASP, April 2020, Adapting to continue higher education support amidst a pandemic. Read the blog.
Harle, J., INASP, April 2020, Enabling social change from changes in higher education. Read the blog .
Wild, J., INASP, February 2020, Understanding the skills gaps between higher education and the workplace in East Africa. Read the blog .
Daily Monitor, Uganda, February 2020, University course re-design could solve high unemployment rate. Read the article .
Harle, J.,University World News, January 2020, Transforming core skills in university curricula. Read the article .
Kigotho, W. University World News, November 2019, eLearning – Can it improve graduate employability? Read the article .
Munuve, V., Uganda Martyrs University, October 2019, Experience of implementing course redesign to help students gain critical thinking skills. Read the blog .
Monk, D.,Gulu University, July 2019, Transforming learning and connecting communities to support higher education. Read the blog .
Tenywa Malagala, A., Gulu University, May 2019, How to bring gender-responsive pedagogy into course redesign in higher education. Read the blog .
Harle, J., INASP, December 2018, Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa: the first eight months. Read the blog .
Harris, S., INASP, December 2018, Transforming teachers for transformed students. Read the blog .
Muchungi, K., AFELT, December 2018, For effective change, all stakeholders need to recognize the importance of critical thinking.Read the blog .
Mutonyi, H., Uganda Martyrs University, November 2018, University courses should support critical thinking skills to help address national needs. Read the blog .
Nakkazi, E, University World News, September 2018, Partnership aims to produce problem-solving graduates. Read the article .
INASP, September 2018, TESCEA, New area of work supports critical thinking skills in East Africa. Read the blog .
Videos and webinars
New Vision TV, February 2020, Report on Gulu course redesign on TV. Watch the video .
INASP, July 2020, TESCEA student perspective: Dorice Kagisa, University of Dodoma. Watch the video .
INASP, July 2020, TESCEA student perspective: Ignatus Mkonga, University of Dodoma. Watch the video .