Online and blended learning
Blogs and Articles
Buchner, T., Dryden, J., INASP, October 2020, Pivoting to remote support for transforming higher education: what we have learnt. Read the blog .
The TESCEA project team, SPHEIR, July 2020, Moving face-to-face workshops for higher education staff online. Read the blog.
Buchner, T. Dryden, J., UKFIET, July 2020, Adapting for sustainability: taking training of trainers online to continue higher education support. Read the blog .
SPHEIR team, SPHEIR website, May 2020, Fresh thinking in East Africa: Helping graduates develop skills for the workplace and society. Read the blog.
Skovgaard, M. Buchner, T., INASP, April 2020, Adapting to continue higher education support amidst a pandemic. Read the blog .
Kigotho, W. University World News, November 2019, eLearning – Can it improve graduate employability? Read the article .
Videos & Webinars
SPHEIR team, December 2020, Varieties of online higher education in SPHEIR' - Event 2: Delivery of non-academic online services like student support, and online capacity building for academic and non-academic staff. Watch the webinar.